More watercolour patterns

Here are some watercolour patterns I painted yesterday and today, when I realised I had a full blank pad of watercolour paper that I'd forgotten I'd bought. I've been quite into making freeform watercolour doodles lately - it's fun and therapeutic and relaxing. And because I'm so colour restricted with screen printing and with ceramics, I've gone a bit nuts on colour overload. Who needs a colouring in book? 

Happy Friday.

Urban and sweets

There is something about decaying urban landscapes that I just love, and the old typography/signage/handwriting that often goes alongside it. There's lots of this in the photos I've taken this week, while walking around my neighbourhood (and bits of the city). I've also got a thing for sweets and baking, it would seem. Happy Monday.


I just love fruit and vegetables and most weeks I go to the local farmers market and buy produce directly from those who grew it. Although often not perfect looking, it tastes so good (and who wants perfect looking produce anyway?) I like that there's dirt on the potatoes, mushrooms and beets, that the apples and pears have russeting. 

The other day I decided to draw some of the produce I'd bought that weekend. I'm no great drawer but trust me when I say that the first few greylead sketches looked terrible. I was about to move onto doing something else but then I picked up a new pen I bought in Japan and it was like the pen took over (seriously!) and I was drawing things in a different way. And the drawings just all seemed to fit together. Yesterday I finally had time to sit down at my computer and turn the drawings into a pattern. I might yet tweak it a bit but think it might soon find itself onto a tea towel. 


I feel like I'm getting nothing done lately...just running around in circles each week. But I just had a look at the photos I've taken in the last month (it seems I take my camera with me almost all the time) and I realise I have been doing things, just not what I was planning on doing. So instead of making ceramic things, refining new designs and doing lots of printing I've been walking the dog, cooking winter food (it seems I also do a LOT of cooking), shopping at the market, hanging out in my local Masonic hall and then doing other, non-fun work. But that's OK, because Melbourne in winter is pretty nice.